When choosing to adopt a puppy, you have several dogs to choose from, such as pure breed’s like Labrador’s, Poodles, Grey hounds, British bulldogs, Doberman, golden retrievers, great Danes, Dalmatians and many more. Potential adopters can come prepared by completing and bringing with them a Dog Adoption Survey All adoptions will follow our standard adoption routine which includes an adoption survey, adoption counseling with an ARLGP canine staff member, and a meet-and-greet.
Our dogs are in foster care; they live in our homes as part of our families, and they are very important to us. We put a great deal of time and thought into processing applications and then matching dogs with the right adopters, and that is not something that’s going to be decided in a week.
If we tell you no” because of a certain aspect of your application that we’re not comfortable with, then deal with it. Calling us names or telling us that we’re hurting dogs because we refused to let you leave one of ours alone in a fenced yard all day is not going to solve anything.
The living conditions are so poor (multiple animals confined to one small area, little or no grooming, and little food) that the animals often develop health problems early on. The female dogs are often forced to breed at every heat cycle, taking a toll on the health of the mother and the litter.
Second, I learned that the dogs that touch our hearts are not the ones that we need or that we want or like, they’re the ones that need us. And we don’t get to choose which dogs need us – they just appear, and it’s up to us to recognize their need and be the rescuer they’ve been waiting for.