If you’re thinking about adding a new pet into your family, have you considered visiting your local shelter or pet adoption agency? Finding frozen puppies in the snow is a very harsh reality for our volunteers leaving them heartbroken at times yet still they carry on. They regularly go out day and night offering food and water to the dogs on the streets, the ones there are no room in kennels for at the time.
There are other common reasons why pet adoption occurs, including lost pets, where owners and pets are separated; owners’ change of mind, where owners no longer feel they can take care of a pet; and one of the saddest reasons; that breeders produce too many pets, which they then can’t sell.
I even had the liberty of meeting two dogs that had some leash aggression and alpha behaviors whom were falsely advertised as being good with children” which translated to what looked like a dog fight in front of my two year old son and left blood on my shoes.
Many are there because of a death in the family, change in lifestyle, lack of interest , a family move that won’t permit a dog and a host of other reasons that in no way impact on the desirability of the family dog that is now sitting caged on doggy death row.
The vet thinks he will be ok in time with recovery and rest Like many dogs poor little Toto was very vulnerable on the streets of the Balkans and had he not been rescued he most likely would have been attacked again, as the public mostly don’t like the street dogs and tend to abuse them on a daily basis.