One of the biggest decisions you will make is to adopt a puppy for your family. The usual circumstances that a lot of the dogs are left behind are because expatriates return to their home country for medical or financial reasons and they cannot take their dogs with them. If you spend lots of time away from home and can’t give your dog the attention it needs, maybe it’s the wrong time for you to adopt.
Most of the dogs we rescue are cross breeds but from time to time we have pure breed dogs. 8. Consider that most shelters will not adopt the dog unless they have sterilized it prior to giving it to you. And we love older dogs. If you are interested in adopting an animal, whether abused or not, there are a couple of things you should think about first.
Without a screening process, it’s hard to tell the history of a pet, it’s capabilities in your home and your family compatibility with this animal. Cezar had a really bad time on the street, captured by the dog catchers, seen all his pals brutally killed in front of him and only thanks to our volunteers who came in the right time to the kill shelter, he was saved.
On the positive side, there are certainly dog breeds that are a lot lower on the allergy threshold than others. Dogs have an amazing capability of smelling different things before dog owners can find it out. Lots of us have always dreamed of having a pet like a dog especially since we didn’t have one when we were growing up. This however does not mean we are prepared to adopt a pet.
If you would like to get more information about that particular organization, under the Dog Shelters section is all the information you need 🔚 We make as much of an effort to keep the blog as updated as possible. They also promote regular adoption days and share expert insights on pet ownership.