If you are considering adopting a dog from an animal shelter or a dog rescue group, that is wonderful! Working with a lot of foster dogs, I often don’t have any clues as to why they act the way they do. Most often, we see pups who are fearful at first – and who wouldn’t be picked up as a stray or worse, turned in from a nice family home to a barking, awful cacophony of cages.
There is no way that an adopter, who has only seen pictures and read a short biography online, will convince us that they know what our dogs need better than we do. We also have a pretty good deal of experience in what does and doesn’t work when it comes to adding new dogs to households.
There’s an even more special place for people who stick their old dogs outside to rot for months – years, maybe – before they finally succumb to the pain, or, like in Sully’s case, somehow by the grace of Dog escape that hell and get lucky enough to find solace.
We tried to find out everything we could about our pups and what they would need for a happy life with us. Even so, each time I remember thinking when we came home, Oh, I wish I had asked…!” and I think I remember his rescuer saying…” And memory being what it is, those I think I remember” details gradually became fuzzier and fuzzier, especially for anything that wasn’t written down….
When planning on animal adoption for kids it is well worth the time you invest in considering your family size and the home size; facilities for housing a pet; the kind of pet you would like to home – big or small, hyper active or regular level of activity; what sort of pet – dog, cat, rabbit, etc.