Pet Adoption Fundraising Ideas
Are you considering a pet for yourself or your family? And if you still feel purebreds or breeder dogs are smarter, just take a look around at the great work former shelter pets are doing. This solution does not sit well with many animal-lovers and the people who work with animals. Thus in 1998 the website expanded to include shelters from across the United States, and whilst Jared stayed on in his radiology work, Betsy quit as an urban forester to run the company full time.
More common though is the formal adoption process whereby pet shelters and pounds have pets that they try to find homes for. This is very much like the human shelters for the homeless only with a free vet who will check up on the animal from time to time. From 6 week old puppies or kittens, all the way up to elderly dogs and cats.
It is not so much that websites are appearing without having a shelter behind them, it is more that the pet adoption websites are there to help publicize the shelter, their aims, beliefs and pets that they have available for adoption. This is a great time to remember all the special needs dogs and cats that are awaiting adoption at your local animal shelter or rescue group.
Also, there are people who come to realize that the maintenance cost is too high and decide to send the animal to a shelter. They are robot dogs, fish aquariums, little plastic …