Dog Profiles
Pets who tend to get lost can have many possible but unknown whereabouts. We put a generic listing on PetFinder for each of the two breeds that we rescue saying we have many available and telling people to go to our website to see them. While some of the animals were adopted, others (including this handsome fella) were taken to other shelters.
PetFinder will go down in history as the ones who ruined a good thing for homeless animals. That shelter had to provide during the time the dog was under their roof. The North Shores Animal League was founded in 1944 and has helped save over a million pets in the New York-New Jersey area.
In a four week period I have asked about, or driven out to attempt to adopt, 43 different cats, and every time I just missed” getting my adoption application in on time. Lots of time with you and the family every day. She was saved from euthanasia by LAPCATS , a volunteer-run organization that helps support theSacramentoCounty shelter.
I’m still writing emails to Petfinder demanding an explanation of why they are cutting off Rescuegroups uploads. Rescuegroups wins and Petfinder loses in my book. On the contrary, the total views per pet and adoption inquiries for most organizations double (or more) because of the added exposure provided by the other adoption listing web sites.
Joint injuries are also very common, especially in large, athletic breeds, and in overweight dogs. 4. Are you ready for a …